Golf Swing Drills - 3 Golf Swing Tips to Break 80 and Crush Your Buddies Next Time on the Course by William Keller

Golf swing drills and training is never going to be fun, but practicing is an important aspect of golf that must be done to consistently hit the golf ball straight and accurately. The question is what type of training should you implement into your golf routine? The following three golf swing tips will help you to hit the ball at a whole new level.

1. The first thing to work on is a proper stance. Keep your feet as wide as your shoulder with the ball between your feet. Your back should be straight, not hunched over. Angle your left foot slightly to the left with your right foot straight ahead. Keep your head down with your eyes focused on the golf ball until after you hit the ball, there is no need to immediately turn to look at the flight path of your shot.

2 Next work on your grip.This will take fine-tuning until you comfortable during the golf swing. You do not want your grip to be weak, but at the same time not overly firm A week grip will often cause the golf ball to slice. A strong grip will not allow the golf club face to rotate into the correct position at the time you are striking the ball. Practice swinging the club until it feels comfortable with the golf clubs that you are using as every set is slightly different.

3. A great way to improve your swing is to video yourself so you can analyze what your swing looks like. This was a great benefit to me and I realized how awkward I really looked when I was teeing off. Plus if you do this with your buddies, you can scrutinize each other's swings and see what you are doing wrong.

Create more power and consistency in your golf game and learn how to eliminate all of the faults of your swing by visiting at CUREMYGOLFSLICE.COM.

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